Ruyi Xu
Functional Ingredient(2024)
APAC Insights, SVP

Since joining Mintel in 2013, Ruyi has been leading the APAC insights team, serving well-know global/local consumer brands, retailers and marketing agencies, helping clients to better understand the consumer needs changing and industry trends, supporting client's product innovation and business growth.

Event Introduction
Functional Ingredient(2024)
 · 06/26 (Day 2)
Explore The Next Star Ingredient
Super Ingredients Across the Sea
[Market Deep Dive] Oriental Herbs, Worldwide Popularity

We all thought yangsheng—TCM-based health preservation—was far away from us, but the next second we see Gen Z have started to make wolfberry tea at the workplace and shaibei—exposing back to sunlight—on hot summer days prevails Xiaohongshu. On the other side of the sea, oriental herbs are also gaining popularity. Japan, for example, has seen price increase in nothing but OTC kampo (traditional Japanese herbal medicine)—up by 15% in the past 5 years and doubled sales online. In the western world, "food is medicine" takes off, packed with herbal drinks, like Rebbl and Kitto. It is evident that this generation of consumers value life. Let's look into the opportunities brought by oriental herbs from a global perspective.

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