David Feder, RDN, has been a food, nutrition, ingredient science, and health journalist and consultant for more than 30 years. A registered dietitian and nutritionist, he completed research and coursework toward a Ph.D. in nutrition biochemistry at the University of Texas at Austin where he also taught food science and nutrition and earned a double-bachelor’s degree in psychology and biblical archaeology. David was a celebrated professional chef during the 1970s and 1980s, helping to pioneer haute-health and fusion cuisines. As a journalist for both consumer and B2B media, he has written for more than 50 publications. He is the author of “The Skinny Carbs Diet” (Rodale 2010) and contributing author to a number of other books, including The Great Pepper Cookbook (Oxmoor 2014), 50 Best Plants on the Planet (Chronicle 2012), and The Bonne Femme Cookbook (Harvard 2011). David currently is the Executive Editor–Technical for BNP Media Inc.’s Prepared Foods network. David lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, son, and a very spoiled dachshund.