North Asia General Manager | Les Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France (CCE) - French Foreign Trade Advisor
As the head of the North Asia region of the world's largest dairy group, Alex has led the group's business expansion and growth in South Korea, China-Taiwan, Japan, mainland China and other markets. He has been more than 10 years solid experience in Asia Market. Adhering to the localized globalization strategy, on one hand, Alex continues to introduce the group's high-end product lines to the Asian market, including President, Galbani, Rand, Siggi's, Poly, Pellet, Kraft, etc., to bring more high quality dairy products to local consumers. On the other hand, he actively deploys local for local production. By bringing the group’s professional knowledge and production experience in dairy products into the Chinese market. China factory has successfully achieved the industrial production of freshly-made natural cheese - Camembert, which is a historic breakthrough in Lactalis.
I believe you all know Lactalis. When we are thinking about the present, it has figured out the future. From a small cheese workshop in the west of France that produced a dozen Camembert cheeses in 1933, the company has grown to become the world's largest dairy group. The futuristic thinking behind Lactalis' €28.3 billion revenue allows it to take advantage of new opportunities in the market as they arise. The Chinese market is also included this year.