Michelle Yu is the Sustainability Manager for UPM Raflatac's APAC region. She leads the sustainability strategy development and implementation in the market for the region.
Michelle’s responsibilities include guiding the climate and beyond fossils roadmap development, management of products’ eco-design and life cycle assessment through UPM Raflatac’s Label Life service, strategy development of RafCycle™ program, sustainability expertise support for the business team, stakeholder and partnership development, as well as sustainability marketing and communications.
Michelle has more than 15 years practical experience in sustainability topics like climate change, water, chemicals, circular economy,sustainable forest management and responsible sourcing. That experience is now applied to being a sustainable packaging solution provider with UPM Raflatac in areas like Food, Beverage, Home and Personal care, Retail, Logistics, Wine and Spirits.
To truly achieve a circular economy and give packaging a genuine "rebirth," it requires the involvement and drive from multiple stakeholders within the industry and the market.
- How can we creatively leverage trendsetting concepts to drive transformative changes in the industry and market towards circular packaging?
- How can we foster more industry collaborations and opportunities for consumer involvement to establish effective circular systems?