Nash Li
Marketing Talks
Head of Food & Beverage Vertical Sales & Operations Department
Tencent Marketing Solution

Nash graduated from Peking University, majoring in Advertising. With over ten years of working experience in advertising and marketing, he has a profound insight into the digital marketing field.

Joined Tencent in 2009, Nash is currently serving as the Head of Food & Beverage, Vertical Sales & Operations Department in Tencent Marketing Solution, leading the team in digital marketing and business solutions in the alcoholic beverage industry, nutrition industry, maternal and infant industry, pet food industry, and fresh food industry, among others. He not only concentrates on the digitalization of the food and beverage industry and the innovation of online business solutions but also pays attention to the integrated digital marketing of social networks, video, music, etc. Based on Tencent’s industry-leading social network, digital content and business, he has provided full-chain marketing solutions for many leading and emerging brands.

Before joining Tencent, Nash was responsible for advertising communication management and other businesses of IPG Group.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Roll the "Gear" of Business
From Traffic to User Retention: Enhancing Business Efficiency through Uni-Operation

The internet has entered the “Stock” era, where brands aiming for long-term success need to adopt a  uni-operations. This involves connecting all touchpoints within the public and private domains, exploring the value of existing users, accumulating brand assets, and leveraging them for user acquisition. Otherwise, brands may easily fall into the trap of relying solely on traffic. 

With the emergence of new traffic channels such as WeChat Channels and live streaming, as well as the improvement of infrastructure in the middle and back-end chains, including Official Accounts, communities, enterprise WeChat, and mini-programs, what scenarios and opportunities will be nurtured within Tencent's ecosystem? 

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