Neil Lyu
Founder & CEO

Founder and CEO of BLUE DASH, he has years of experience in management consulting, venture capital, and serial entrepreneurship. He worked in McKinsey, BCG and other consulting companies successively. In 2014, he joined Gobi Venture Capital as the investment director. During his stay in Gobi, he participated in more than ten Internet early-stage investment, due diligence and project management.

Later, he joined The unicorn startup Company Xiaoshi Technology as the vice president and founded the early-stage venture capital fund Hanshi Capital. After the epidemic in 2020, with the development of the overall economy and the impact of the epidemic, the overall offline consumer market in China presents opportunities for transformation, and the transformation of offline channels brings opportunities for new brands.

Compared with traditional consumer goods, alcoholic drinks have obvious offline and social attributes. The generational transformation of consumer groups and the transformation of offline channels bring new opportunities to the beverage industry. BLUE DASH is positioned as an atmosphere booster and focuses on the offline social scene of young people. Through the social scene of young people's nightlife, BLUE DASH is committed to creating its own trendy alcohol for Young People in China.

Event Introduction
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
Keep Alcohol Engaging
Media Center (North) - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Strategy & New Trend
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 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Keep Alcohol Engaging
Media Center (North) - Level 2 of North Lobby west
New Youth Drinking
Dash the Rules: Breaking the Framework and Reconstructing the New Category of Alcoholic Beverages

 1. Why do we drink? Explore what the essence of drinking alcohol is in the end.

See through the appearance to perceive the essence, what is the underlying logic of drinking? What is the core purpose of drinking? What is the deeper reason behind Alco-pop drinking?

2. Say goodbye to path dependence and explore the innovative path of wine drinking with Chinese characteristics.

Compared with traditional consumer goods, alcohol has significant social attributes: compared with traditional consumer goods with more individual decision-making attributes, alcohol has more group decision-making attributes in the consumption scene.

How to seize the core nodes in the social network to occupy the minds of users and build an alcoholic beverage brand?

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