Daxin Hao
Drink Talks
Founder & CEO

Daxin Hao, the founder and CEO of AllCoconut, used to work as journalist, director and producer of CCTV Economic Channel; after that, she started her own business and founded a professional company in exhibition industry, which undertakes economic and cultural activities in Southeast Asia at the ASEAN Expo. She entered F&B industry by chance.In 2020, the fresh coconut water Brand "AllCoconut" was established.

Allcoconut was the first in China to propose: replacing water, milk and sugar in drinks with coconut water.AllCoconut has been a hit in Shenzhen, and will be spread to more cities in China. AllCoconut wishes "The world's coconuts, made in China". In this case, AllCoconut is committed to becoming the lead brand of coconut water in China, and wishes "people, who are keen on health, can drink coconut water at twelve o'clock in the world".

Event Introduction
Drink Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Wow, Drink It Up!
North Ballroom A - Hall 18 1st Floor
New 'Species'
How Can Brands Develop Sustainably with Emerging Categories?

Many emerging categories will struggle with unclear positioning, such as coconut water, which has long been positioned between juice and drinking water alternatives.

However, with the help of the supply chain's development and the shifting demands of customers, these emerging categories may eventually find their place.

How can brands and categories work together to achieve sustainable growth?

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