Qi Bai

G20YEA Elite Talents, World Economic Forum Global Shapers. Nine years of deep cultivation in the food&beverage e-commerce industry. Successively served in Youzan, Tmall and Douyin. The article of his personal IP—BrandBai has been reprinted by multiple well-known media in the industry, the builder of the Brand-Omnigrowth-model.

Event Introduction
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
Hall 17 DH001
Retain Consumers
Break the Content Bottleneck: Make and Keep are Equally Important

When traffic dividend goes away and louder hawking does not bring more attention, product content and interest content come bottlenecks. Take TikTok for example, content operation costs boosts, and content starts to suffer homogeneity despite a large amount of users. How to break content bottlenecks? How to manage content segmentations? How to reflect true brand value through content?

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