Yi Yang
Marketing Talks
Chief Operating Officer

Yi Yang is the co-founder and chief operating officer of JustPod, China’s premier podcasting and digital audio company. He hosts over the podcasts LeftRight and Go LIVE, of which LeftRight was named "The Best" of Apple Podcasts for three consecutive years. He is also the chief editor of the first newsletter focusing on the Chinese podcast industry and launches PodFest China, the first podcast-themed conference in China.

From 2011 to 2019, he served as senior editor in China Business Network (CBN, Yicai). The Network's primetime newscast CBN Tonight, in which he participated in the production, won the 25th China News Award.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Construct the Brand Bastion
[Panel Discussion] “Sounds” From the Brand Universe

Which sense and medium are left when hands, feet, and eyes are occupied? Ears and sounds.

The average listening time per user on Chinese podcasts hit 4.1 hours in 2022, with monthly income at RMB 14,808. Sound media possesses high potential as it features immersive listening and high user value. How can brands make themselves be heard?

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