Cindy Zhang
Marketing Talks
DATA 100

CEO of Data 100 has over 20 years of entrepreneurial, innovative, and operational management experience in data collection and analysis, online survey platforms, market research insights, and customer experience management. She has profound professional expertise in understanding consumer behavior, psychology, and experience research. Cindy Zhang is also the Vice President of the CIIA Marketing Research Association.

In recent years, Data 100 has been able to grasp the trend of digitalization and independently developed a full-stack customer experience management digital platform called "CEMPRO". This platform helps businesses implement customer-centric digital transformations, empowers brands to understand the needs of digital consumers in the experience economy, and drives growth through experience innovation. As a pioneer in China's digital management of customer experience, Data 100 continuously creates and upgrades comprehensive and outstanding service capabilities for digital, intelligent, and platform-based customer insights and experience management. Together with enterprises and brands, they co-create a future driven by the experience.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Explore the "Universe" of Tech
The New Growth Paths for Experience Innovation of Consumer Brands in the Era of Generative AI

The consumer market has started a new era: the market is entering an era of stock competition. User experience management has become one of the core competitiveness of the brand. As young people become the main consumer, the consumption pattern has changed from single transaction to multi-field interaction, and the people, goods and space have been reconstructed again.  In the new consumption era, how does enterprise transform the lifetime value of consumers through innovative marketing experience, so as to drive the sustainable growth of the brand?

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