Jane Ji
Marketing Talks
Strategy Principal
BA Capital

Ms. Ji joined BA Capital in 2021 and is responsible for the strategy of funds and portfolio management. Her core topics include growth strategy; market entry strategy; product, brand, channel, and retail-related strategy, involving food and beverage, beauty and personal care, footwear and sports, daily necessities and mother & baby areas.

Before joining BA Capital, Ms. Ji was Principal at Roland Berger, Senior Manager at Bain & Company, and the Head of Strategy for the Outdoor Business Group at Anta. She has led more than 60 strategic consulting projects in the consumer sector, including a well-known sports group's three-year growth strategy and a leading beauty group's channel strategy.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Foresee "People" and "Place"
The Cornerstone of Consumption in the New Era:A Study on the Demand Trends of Young-and-Middle-Aged Consumers in County Markets

In the 2023 No.1 Central Document, the term "县域" (county-level areas) appears 13 times. County-level areas have become a crucial pivot for expanding domestic demand and rural revitalization. As the foundation of China's consumer market, the county market is witnessing the convergence of new consumer forces. 

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