Yoven Zhao
Marketing Talks
Head of Brave the World, Chinese Brands Department
China Resources Snow Breweries

Ms. Zhao currently serves in Chinese Brands Department, China Resources Snow Breweries, and is fully responsible for the brand promotion strategy of Brave the World, together with the marketing activities of its core product superX. Brave the World can be regarded as a classic beer brand that is hardly to imitate and surpass with 16 years’ development. Yoven is also in charge of the Metaverse project in CR Snow Beer, which pioneered metaverse marketing in the beer industry as a new way to communicate with young people.

Before joining CR Beer, Yoven worked for Mengniu Group and a world-class 4A advertising company respectively, with rich experience in product research and media. The practice of all-round marketing and brand management, as well as her personal experience in the circle of GenZ, has become her motivation to explore the communication with consumers in order to practice in the new world.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Construct the Brand Bastion
[Panel Discussion] Back to Offline - Building F2F Brand Connections with Consumers

Against the backdrop of popular outdoor activities such as urban walking, camping, and Frisbee, we see that younger consumers are increasingly eager for an "offline" lifestyle and disintermediated contact. In this trend, how can food brands establish closer connections with consumers through offline links? 

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