Dr. Xu He
SONO Food Leaders Summit
Partner & VP

Ph.D. Sociology, Fudan University;

MSc. Management, Wuhan University;

Visiting Fellow, Harvard-Yenching Institute;

Over 12 years of experience in cultural strategy, innovation and branding strategy;

Years of expertise in social changes and generation shits, provide cultural strategy for leading brands, T-mall, Unilever, Adidas, Budweiser, Chanel, etc.

Event Introduction
SONO Food Leaders Summit
 · 06/14 (Day 1)
*Exclusive to SONO CEO Club members, not open to FBIF Forum and Sub-Forum ticket holders.
CC205B - Hall 18 2nd Floor
Organization and Leadership
1+1>2: Effective Intergenerational Management

When senior professionals meet with the new generation of "workers", the differences in work experience, personal experience, and thinking patterns may bring potential conflicts to the organization; when the appropriate culture and work processes are established, diversity can build a more robust team - an excellent team with more comprehensive perspectives, more reasonable decisions, more complementary capabilities, and more effective execution.

Link to agenda