Poprovsky Liu
Dairy Talks
Vice General Manager
Royal Group

Joined the Royal Group in 2021, and now serves as the Vice General Manager of the Royal Group. Currently, he leads the overall business of the marketing center of the Royal Group, leads the transformation of private sector, product innovation and business expansion, and is committed to promoting the expansion and breakthrough of the dairy business.

Before joining Royal Group,Mr. Ji (Poprovsky) Liu has more than 20 years of practical experience in the dairy industry, and served more than 100 dairy enterprises. He has launched a number of innovations in the field of dairy marketing. Before joining the Royal Group, he was engaged in dairy consulting management, and held important positions in the fields of marketing planning, operation and strategic management. He has unique and multi-faceted insights on the innovation planning of market products and private sector.

Event Introduction
Dairy Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Hit New Category
North Ballroom B - Hall 18 1st Floor
Whole Family Nutrition
Niche · Mass

How can niche dairy products get closer to consumers? How should premium dairy brands grow their consumer base? Let's talk about how to cross the gap between the niche and the mass.

Link to agenda