Mora Ma
Marketing Talks
Marketing VP

Mora Ma is the Marketing VP of SATURNBIRD, with years of experience in brand management and marketing operations. She was the partner and brand leader of Plantag, leading the brand building and marketing operations from 0 to 1. She was the Deputy Marketing Director of Budweiser Asia Pacific, responsible for the marketing operations of Corona and Budweiser brands successively, and the establishment of the brand digital ecosystem.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Construct the Brand Bastion
[Panel Discussion] Back to Offline - Building F2F Brand Connections with Consumers

Against the backdrop of popular outdoor activities such as urban walking, camping, and Frisbee, we see that younger consumers are increasingly eager for an "offline" lifestyle and disintermediated contact. In this trend, how can food brands establish closer connections with consumers through offline links? 

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