Tom Zhang
Food & Money
Xiao Zui

Tom Zhang founded the Xiao Zui brand in 2021, creating the first domestic sparkling Baijiu product with an innovative breakthrough concept to bring Baijiu and young consumers closer together through a fashionable, youthful and trendy approach. Prior to founding Xiao Zui, Tom Zhang served as Senior Vice President of AltaDevices Semiconductor Materials in Silicon Valley, where he was responsible for product development and marketing operations.

Event Introduction
Food & Money
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Start Up, Stand Out
CC201A - Hall 18 2nd Floor
To the Future
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Food & Money
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Start Up, Stand Out
CC201A - Hall 18 2nd Floor
To the Future
Tea Time: The Pits We Have Stepped on Together Those Years...

(1) New Investment Relationship: How do investors and founders grow together?

(2) Team building: should you choose people who are "competent" or "believe in you"?

(3) The resilience of entrepreneurs: "The last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point", but are we still on the first step or the ninety-ninth step? In an uncertain era, how do we maintain the belief to keep moving forward?

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