Shilong Jiang
Dairy Talks
Chief Scientist

Shilong Jiang, chief scientist of Heilongjiang Feihe Dairy Co., Doctor, senior engineer. Mainly engaged in breast milk research and infant formula development. Leading the development of Xingfei Fan and other series infant formula. Undertook a number of national and provincial major science and technology projects. He won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Heilongjiang Province, the first prize of China Light Industry Federation and the first prize of Science Progress of China Society of Food Science and Technology. He has published more than 30 papers in Chinese and foreign journals such as Food Chemistry, Food & Function, Nutrients, etc.

Event Introduction
Dairy Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Hit New Category
North Ballroom B - Hall 18 1st Floor
Whole Family Nutrition
Link to agenda