Dairy Talks
Snack & Baking
Drink Talks
Alcohol Talks (1 Day Only)
Condiment & 3R Food
Function & Ingredient
Channel Talks (3 Days)
Pack Talks
Marketing Talks
Startup Talks
Tech Talks (Day 2-3)
Plenary Session (Day 3)
 (Day 1)
 (Day 2)
 (Day 3)
· 6.25 (Day 1)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
Manufacturing Technology and Process Improvement
Breakthroughs in Yeast Proteins: Look into Food for the Future

Yeast proteins are a sustainable alternative protein of microbial origin after addressing the global shortage of high-quality proteins with plant-based and insect proteins. We will walk you through innovative applications and development trends of yeast proteins as a food ingredient.

Synthetic Biology: Powerhouse of Functional Food Innovation

Synthetic biology injects endless momentum into the upstream innovations for functional foods. How will this technology drive functional foods to evolve? What are the recipes for developing efficient and sustainable food ingredients?

AI + BIO Natural Preservation: Empowering the Food Industry for a Fresh Upgrade

With consumers increasingly favoring natural ingredients, the market for food preservatives is rapidly evolving! How can food brands overcome the anxiety of "no additives"? How can they clearly communicate the health and naturalness of their products to consumers? Natural antimicrobial peptides are emerging as an ideal alternative to chemical preservatives! Tidetron Bioworks is harnessing the broad-spectrum antibacterial potential of these peptides to enhance the natural preservation and freshness of food, helping brands achieve "clean labels." This time, food safety needs to seize the "fresh" opportunity!

IPIA Day-Future Food Innovation under the Big Food Perspective
Key Technologies and Development Directions in Alternative Protein Industry

Implement the "Big Food Concept" development philosophy to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of food production, build a diverse food supply system that is nutritious, efficient, and sustainable, and alleviate the current pressure on food protein supply. Fully grasp the current status and level of alternative protein resource exploration and application technology, industrial chain distribution and integration, as well as safety assessment and support system; by tracking and analyzing advanced technologies and industrial systems, clarify the core technological routes and development directions for protein from plants, animals, and microorganisms; propose key technologies, industrial directions, and safeguard measures for the development of the alternative protein industry, and construct a strategic path to support the high-quality and sustainable supply of food protein resources in our country in the future.

Building a Sustainable Future Food Value Chain

The current food system faces numerous challenges, including resource depletion, soil degradation, climate change, food waste, population growth, nutritional inequality, and biodiversity loss. To address these issues, Bühler is committed to building a sustainable future food system through innovation and strategic initiatives.

Bühler aims to reduce energy consumption, water usage, and food waste in its customers' value chains by 50% by 2030. The company is developing alternative protein technologies, such as plant-based and insect-based proteins, to provide environmentally friendly protein sources. Bühler also designs energy-efficient and eco-friendly equipment to significantly reduce energy and resource consumption. By collaborating with global organizations and academic institutions, Bühler promotes sustainable agricultural practices, provides education and training, and advocates for local sourcing to reduce carbon emissions. Additionally, Bühler employs efficient processing and storage technologies to minimize food loss and waste during these stages.

Bühler's innovations and initiatives lay the foundation for a more resilient and sustainable future food system.

Biotechnology Enabling Sustainable Development in the Food and Nutritional Health Industry

The "Big Food Concept" starts from the perspective of better meeting the people's needs for a better life, elaborating on the concerns for future food and sustainable development. Food and nutritional health, as a part of sustainable development, have attracted extensive attention from society and the public. Leveraging biotechnology to innovate in protein, such as in the fields of plant-based protein, microbial fermentation protein, and cell-cultured protein, empowers breakthroughs in the future of food and nutritional health. At the same time, establishing a new model of sustainable food manufacturing continuously breaks through in the fields of low-carbon environmental protection, food safety, and sustainable development, paving the way for the development of new types of food in the future. While better meeting people's increasingly diverse, refined, nutritious, and ecological food needs, it leads a new transformation in the field of food and nutritional health.

Technological innovation taps into the functionality and value of rice, aiding in human health and well-being.

Rice is the primary staple food for Chinese people, with a cultivation and consumption history of 7,000 years. Since ancient times, there have been numerous functions and legends associated with rice. Utilizing modern food technology, the full potential and value of rice can be discovered and exploited. Rice can be refined into products such as starch, protein, and small molecular peptides, which have unique application values in the fields of plant-based foods, functional foods, and skincare products.

Closing of IPIA Day
· 6.26 (Day 2)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
Ecosystem Upgrade and Industry Cycles
Cost Optimization and Efficiency Boost in Food Manufacturing

The food and beverage manufacturing industry in China has been growing steadily, despite challenges resulted from cost spikes. Efficiency-boosting solutions are thus necessitated. Manufacturers press forward with digital transition to shift manufacturing processes from “traditional” to “smart”. How will digital and AI solutions empower manufacturers to cope with cost pressure and boost efficiency? How can competitiveness be built?

Ingredient Insights and Industry Opportunities
Seizing New Opportunities: HMOs and Infant Nutrition Market in China

Once approved in China, HMOs (human milk oligosaccharides) have been quickly adopted in infant formulas by milk brands as a new star ingredient. The new functional ingredient has won tremendous attention thanks to its unique nutritional benefits. How will HMOs shape applications and trends in the infant nutrition market?

[Panel Discussion] The Second Half of the Functional Food R&D Game

Functional foods are clearly the “next big thing” of the food and beverage industry in China. Its high growth speed has attracted many players to invest and deploy. Yes, there is a vast sea to swim for upstream raw material suppliers and processors, as well as midstream manufacturers and consumer brands!

Retail Trends and Data Modeling
2024 Offline Retail Trends Insight: Price Competitiveness > Product Strength > Brand Strength

The traditional consumer retail ecosystem is undergoing unprecedented changes. How should the balance between people, goods, and places be managed? Among price competitiveness, product strength, and brand strength, which is the most important right now? What do the complex indicators reveal to us? How can participants navigate through challenges using data tools?

Based on its nationwide offline retail monitoring network, WinWin Network will share the trends and insights derived from data, unveiling how they use data to sense the market!

Generative AI is Coming Soon—WinWin Network AI Product Launch and Experience Event

In less than two years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made a quantum leap in understanding human language and can finally understand human speech! TheF&B industry is also actively embracing the AI era, with major companies like Coca-Cola and Nestlé making significant investments in AI technology across product development, marketing creativity, and data mining.

Leveraging the vast offline retail data of the WinWin Network brand and the latest AI technological capabilities, WinWin Network AI is coming soon! With just "one sentence," you can quickly grasp new product launch trends and analyze category competition dynamics.

Food is Medicine: Entering the Blue Ocean Market of Health Preservation
Explore “Food is Medicine”

Consumers’ enthusiasm towards food-is-medicine products has lifted this market into fast growth. Snacks, like gummies, and tea drinks that contain ingredients of medicinal benefits keep emerging. Where does the market stand now, and how much potential does it hold for the future?

New Demand & New Raw Materials: Creating New Possibilities for Food-is-medicine

Young people's demand for health care has become a new driving force in the market of the same source of food and medicine, and their demand is "pressing" the market and product changes. To dispel dampness, lower blood pressure, hair growth, help sleep, liver protection, so red barley, hawthorn, black sesame, mulberry, sour date and other raw materials have "through into" the market ...... new demand and new raw materials can open  food-is-medicine of how many kinds of products possible?

From Concept to Landing, The Branding Path of Food-is-medicine

In the past, the concept of "food-is-medicine" might just be a concept, but as consumers' pursuit of health increases, we have seen this concept become more and more active in the market in the form of products, categories, and brands. How can we commercialise this concept and keep it as an "effective" innovation? Let's talk about it from a branding perspective.

· 6.27 (Day 3)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
Supplier-Retailer Collaboration and Traceability Factory
Retailer-Supplier Collaboration「1+1>2」

Retailers meet the direct purchasing needs of consumers, while suppliers use market feedback to continuously enhance product innovation. Private labels have emerged as a new strategy for mutual growth. How can retailers and suppliers work together to create high-quality, cost-effective products that truly satisfy consumer demands?

From "White Label" to "Brand" Transformation

In an era of consumer stratification, it's not that big brands are unaffordable, but that white labels offer better value for money. Facing consumers who prioritize cost-effectiveness, how can upstream manufacturers seize opportunities to capture consumer mindshare with their products while continuing their OEM business, thus transforming from "White Labels" to "Brand"?

[Panel Discussion] Traceable Factories: New Opportunities for Food OEM Companies

"TAO GONG CHANG," fostered by the Taobao & Tmall Group, embodies a Manufacturer-to-Consumer (M2C) e-commerce model in the food and fresh industry. TAO GONG CHANG assembles robust industrial factories nationwide, regional key distributors, and deeply cultivated resources from production areas. By continuously expanding its semi-managed operational model, it enables white-label factories to directly connect with millions of consumers. What new opportunities do food OEM companies find on this platform?

11:10-11:30 [Strategy Interpretation]

11:30-12:00 [Panel Discussion]